Saturday 13 September 2014

New School Starts.

So guess what!
Life is turning out to be sucky.
As if it wasn't enough that i have to deal with new school and new people.
The old ones are like really getting on my nerves.
So what if i got a bloody hair cut? My friends have been up on my case ever since. I just have this thing whenever I go somewhere new or whatever I get bangs that hide most my face for some bizarre reason..
it happens every year and then as time passes I grow it out, thats around the time when i begin to actually fit in.
Ohhh well..
The new school is good though, people are so friendly its overwhelming!
I mean for gods sake i didn't even get bullied. And its my first week and i'm walking down the hall waving hellos at people and people are all smiling and being super nice to me as if we've known eachother forever!
Well anywho the main thing on my mind is probably Sociology and A2 Business Studies.
Thats why I don't really have any time to make up long random posts for my blog which no one reads.
Exams are coming up.

Just kind of depressed though. I mean I dont wanna sound all mushy but my mom is not at home which is really depressing me. You know how it is, you just kinda miss the bickering and arguing and long conversations before falling asleep. I mean me and mom do that sort of thing you know..
We are both quite the babblers.
I miss her guts out and I didn't tell her that when i talked to her cause I just didn't cause I just couldn't. I mean I love all that touchy feely crap as much as the next person but for some awkward as hell reason I can't that way with my mom. Maybe because shes so badass and all.
Point is I gotta go.
My dad is being clingy.
He brings Ice Cream for me and my little brother everyday as if that is gonna make us feel any better. The point is Im lonely and ice cream does make it better at times.
But nevertheless, im glad hes being kind of caring.

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