Wednesday, 19 November 2014

I made an page. ^-^

<iframe src="" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" width="400" height="275" style="border:none;"></iframe>

This is my

Friday, 7 November 2014

My Background Music

Listen to thissss. Some seriously talented people do some seriously random shit.
And boy am i thankful for their eexistence
PeanutButterJellyTime. :')

Friday, 17 October 2014


                        alt="VOTE FOR DJ CAUSE DUHHH! Poster"></a>

Saturday, 13 September 2014

New School Starts.

So guess what!
Life is turning out to be sucky.
As if it wasn't enough that i have to deal with new school and new people.
The old ones are like really getting on my nerves.
So what if i got a bloody hair cut? My friends have been up on my case ever since. I just have this thing whenever I go somewhere new or whatever I get bangs that hide most my face for some bizarre reason..
it happens every year and then as time passes I grow it out, thats around the time when i begin to actually fit in.
Ohhh well..
The new school is good though, people are so friendly its overwhelming!
I mean for gods sake i didn't even get bullied. And its my first week and i'm walking down the hall waving hellos at people and people are all smiling and being super nice to me as if we've known eachother forever!
Well anywho the main thing on my mind is probably Sociology and A2 Business Studies.
Thats why I don't really have any time to make up long random posts for my blog which no one reads.
Exams are coming up.

Just kind of depressed though. I mean I dont wanna sound all mushy but my mom is not at home which is really depressing me. You know how it is, you just kinda miss the bickering and arguing and long conversations before falling asleep. I mean me and mom do that sort of thing you know..
We are both quite the babblers.
I miss her guts out and I didn't tell her that when i talked to her cause I just didn't cause I just couldn't. I mean I love all that touchy feely crap as much as the next person but for some awkward as hell reason I can't that way with my mom. Maybe because shes so badass and all.
Point is I gotta go.
My dad is being clingy.
He brings Ice Cream for me and my little brother everyday as if that is gonna make us feel any better. The point is Im lonely and ice cream does make it better at times.
But nevertheless, im glad hes being kind of caring.

Friday, 5 September 2014

so,i want this stuff!
the bag and shoes.


shirt and jacket are gorgeous!

the smile, the dress, the hair, the ability to pull it off!

the jacket is to die for!! 

the bag and jeans mostly!

her hair!!

i have shades like those! <3

Friday, 15 August 2014

The Eleutheromaniac in me must interject.

What is freedom? Before you could understand the concept of freedom, you must understand the exact opposite. What is captivity?
To be trapped by be caged in society? To be held captive or to be isolated,left alone? To be tied up and chained against your will?
The imprisonment you face when a country invades your lands, takes away your pride, moulds you to their own culture and takes away everything that was yours?
But what about when your own society holds you against your will to shape you, as if fitting a circle into a square? Takes away your free-will,takes away your right to think what you want let alone give words to the thoughts in your head!
When your own mind holds you captive,not letting your thoughts go further than the thoughts you have been put in and then your just confined.

To break away from these barriers!Thats freedom.
Its the morning of the 14th of August while i write this...Pakistan's Independence day.
We got independence in 1947 from the British rule over the subcontinent. Millions of people were exchanged from India to Pakistan and vice versa. So many were killed; shot by both parties.
When people packed away their whole lives on both sides of the border, left behind their homes, risked death and no guarantee of a better life ahead only freedom was part of the bargain. They took that step for the sake of freedom.
But then again there is the same essence in the apparently small but in the long run the biggest cage that is the society. When invaders came atleast they were public about their takeover on us but the society we live in is a sneaky bitch
It restricts us to the thoughts and dialogues of itself. Freedom of speech is far fetched my friend, there is no freedom of thought.
How will people with a bent sight to view things fit into this box? what girls ought to say is what girls ought to think as well as believe it to be the ultimate truth but why?
why should she not think what she wants?
the argument i will face is how they say it is the only way she will be accepted to society,if she is a canary whose only song is the one she has been taught.
But really? who gives a frog's fart about acceptance! Im speaking of independence here. Allah created us all to look different from one another, even twins have differences in features,then he certainly created our minds differently as well.
Why not?
When everyone has a different perspective, we will be able to cover more ground on any issue. There will be more thoughts,more voices raised,new ideas;Visionaries will be born.
And if your one who is concerned about the clatter causing disturbance in your peaceful lives then join us so we could progress,we'll make some noise together! Be free. Think freely and word your opinions
so that others can find out what you think too. You might not know it but you are important to society. Trust me, if your different let it show,if nothing else show your independence today!
You are Pakistan!
and people want to know what Pakistani's are like. I mean if every Pakistani girl will be exactly like one another then there is nothing interesting about anyone.
And i know for a fact that everyone in this country is special,so let your minds be free! Done confine yourself just because everybody else is doing it! Our country is going through the age of Transition,that means change,development.
With thousands of people marching from all over Pakistan towards the capital this evening in the Azadi march led by Imran Khan, don't you see how many people are still willing to break barriers and show the world what they believe in?
They will break one of the social barriers that are putting us into turmoil and one day so will we, and i for one cant wait to witness it! :D

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

The Injustice That Is My Mind

Im just thinking out loud here folks, i'm the 'what-if' sort of person. You know the type that always has a question about practically (or impractically) anything at all. So Im just gonna carry this through then.
What if weird people aren't the weird ones? What if the normal people are not normal and its all the other way around? I mean, im just saying but what if the perception we have about people is all wrong?
But then again who decides what's right and wrong? Who decides what's normal?
Could it be some supreme power sitting on some supreme throne classifying the world and all its people into neat categories of sane and insane. Even if there is such a supremacy who could it be? and where does it reside? and above all who decides whether the classifications of this supremacy are correct or not.
I was on the phone with a friend this morning and there was this big fat drama being created on whether a certain person was cool or not. It was something like that, i don't remember but whatever it got me thinking..
can one person really be one person? can it not be that the odd one out in some circles might be a totally random, typically average guy in another circle.
Take it this way, I am a weirdo to some. Talking to me puts people to sleep for gods sake! I babble a lot, my mind is frantically trying to get my thoughts straight and organized. To me, people who talk less are creepy, i feel insecure around them whereas people who talk too much are just plain annoying to me.
But then again in my own little circle, I am very much average, my thoughts and questions are standard procedure going through every person's head.
Similarly deviance, where does it come from? Does society introduce it as something out of the ordinary or does it introduce itself?
But then again we often  come across people who are extraordinary, make world records and earn medals. Arent they breaking the norms of society? then how come they aren't deviants? or are they? Maybe their weirdness is so beyond  our comprehension that all we see is an exceptional individuals.
 Is this categorization caused by the gap between the cultures and traditions and norms and values? or is it what history and time has moulded for the world? Or is it us, the new generation who are making such a big deal about this and creating deviants among us when honestly there is no need for such fuss!
And then are we supposed to bridge that gap or stay like this within the safety and security of our norms? A somewhat secular world, i suppose? but then again could we really hope for a Utopia within all this?
and then who decides what a Utopia really is?

Wednesday, 30 July 2014

I take my book to the park ever so often.
Lean against a tree,barefoot on the grass.
I remember i read Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte like this. I would go to this deserted park every evening during the summer when there wasn't anything to do at home and I sat there until it was too dark to read.
I am a slow reader by the way. I like to take my time,cherish each scene as it comes to me, imagine every twitch the character makes, how they utter each dialogue..
The best books are the ones i want to read slowly, yet i also want to read them as fast as i can so that i know what happens next.
I might be obsessed with books. *sighs*
This is something i do so often.
When i am going through my collection of books i find an old favorite. I just sit there going over my favorite parts of it all over again, nostalgic.
5 hours later i realize my legs are sore and i am sprawled on the floor surrounded by this stack of books that i had almost forgot about.
Dont get me wrong,I love it.

Thursday, 24 July 2014

Lets guide you through new and exciting positions.

hey hey readers! :)
so yeah, I'm assuming if your here that you probably read.
It would be weird if someone doesn't read. I mean like even
if your not a bookworm or anything you do read whether you
care to accept it or not.
Anyway, moving on.
I'm taking the initiative to actually give you a few not so smart
ideas that might make your reading experience more interesting.
This is my favorite one.